Below you'll find real client testimonials. All testimonials are exact words from actual clients and completely unedited. Feeling inspired? Share with your network:

Isabelle "Izzie" Sarnek
NPC Teen Figure / NPC Bikini
I came to Matt after receiving unhealthy and damaging advice from a coach in my area. I joined in January 2014 and I have never imagined how much my body would change over the 1.5 years I have been his client. After a 6 month building phase and a 19 week prep, Matt dialed me in to look phenomenal at my first two shows in November 2014. At only 19 years old, I couldn't believe how I looked. Matt's coaching led me to lose over 30 pounds, deadlift 365lbs at 118lbs, and transform me from a figure to bikini competitor without losing an insane amount of muscle. From a competitor's stand point, he knows my body better than I do and knows exactly what to do in order to make me look incredible on and off the stage. Matt gives his clients all the attention and support they need to succeed and I can't ask anymore from him than he already has done for me.

Spencer Stockton
Cincinnati Reds
You think you know it all as a professional athlete. I’ve had countless meetings with nutritionists throughout both my collegiate, and professional career, but none wiser than Matt. Matt taught me how that I don’t need to eat grilled chicken with rice and broccoli for every meal to be healthy and successful on the field. Matt’s program allowed
me to keep my diet options wide open and allowed me to learn what I needed to eat everyday to perform on the field. Most nutritionists write an unrealistic strict meal plan that you need to abide by or you won’t see any results. Matt’s program was incredibly flexible and allowed me to enjoy the foods I like to eat while also seeing the gains I wanted to see. Matt was always reaching out to check in on my progress, and he changed the program several times based on my individual metabolism. If you want the best results while following the easiest program, Matt and Unrivaled Physique is the way to go.
-Spencer Stockton
Cincinnati Reds

Unrivaled Physiques Client

Unrivaled Physiques Client

Unrivaled Physiques Client
Ana Paula - IFBB Pro
IFBB / NPC Promoter Miami Muscle Beach
NPC Anna Level West Palm Overall Winner
2nd Place Olympia Flex Model Search
4th Place NPC nationals
6th Place Junior Nationals
I have worked on and off with Matt Rizzo / Unrivaled Physiques for about 5 years now. Initially I reached out to Matt in 2013 after having a coach who cared more about aesthetics than my health. Working with this "bro coach" gave me a bad relationship with certain foods. From the very first day, Matt made things easy to comprehend and gave me a sense of freedom when it came to eating certain foods. In 2013 we did a reverse/recovery diet in order to increase my metabolic capacity and muscle mass to make for a more sustainable competition prep in the future. During my competition preps in 2015, 2016, and 2017 Matt always fed me ample carbs and fats for my body type, we never cut out salt/sodium and come peak week there was no need for crazy manipulations or water cutting.
Working with Matt has increased my knowledge when it comes to macronutrients, meal timing, workout splits and overall I have a better relationship with all foods! Matt taught me how to have longevity in a hobby I love with realistic lifestyle approach. Learning to track my macro intake and being accountable of what proteins,carbs, and fats I choose to put in my body is something I continue to apply in my everyday life.
There's a level of trust required when you put your body/competition prep in the hands of someone else, Matt has continuously gained my trust and the proof is in the results!

Dr. Cameron Greene
Doctor of PT - Men's Physique Competitor
I signed up with Matt because I wanted to compete in my first bodybuilding show, in the Men's Physique division. I had a relative sense of tracking macros and adhering to proper nutrition standards, but I soon realized that I still had a lot left to learn. Since that starting point, Matt's coaching caused me to re-evaluate how I looked at training, nutrition, and so much more. In addition to bodybuilding, another one of my hobbies is powerlifting. As soon as he learned this, he was also able to create a DUP training program that helped me maintain my strength while in a steady caloric deficit, which I loved. For bodybuilders, powerlifters, or anyone out there who's looking to simply make a huge lifestyle change and see great results, Matt Rizzo is the guy for you!

Rissa Panagos
NPC Nationally Qualified - R.D Student
Three years ago I began my journey back to fitness after some time off and decided that I was going to surpass any level of conditioning I had previously reached. After doing some lifting by myself I realized that although I was lifting heavy and often, my physique and overall health would benefit greatly from guidance by someone with more knowledge. I had known Matt for 7 years and when I found myself unable to reach the next level with my experience, I knew he was the one I should reach out to. I had paid close attention to the professionalism in which he ran his business and the intelligence he used to help clients attain goals, physically and mentally. I saw results so quickly with Matt's programming, literally in less than 2 months we had changed my entire physique! I had always wanted to compete in a show but hadn't been mentally ready up until this point and we completely crushed the goal of becoming nationally qualified in just two shows. Matt has strategy in his coaching which is something I greatly respect because he always achieves what he sets out to do with his clients all while prioritizing their health. Matt has taught me how to have more self control in my eating habits while still enjoying the food I like and provided me with the tools I need to be consistent. Matt's knowledge on macronutrients, metabolism, and bodybuilding has helped me transform into the athlete I've wanted to be. I was grateful to place 2nd in Novice and 3rd in Open in my first show and my second show I received 1st place and Nationally Qualified. Through us working together, I have become a happier, healthier, and more intelligent woman. Looking forward to becoming a pro in the future with Unrivaled Physiques!

Aline A.
Student / Brazilian Ju Jitsu Competitor / Record Holding Power Lifter
(9 month transformation)
I came to Matt unhappy with my body and confused as to why my physique didn’t reflect my athleticism. When I began taking his direction I saw changes very quickly, which encouraged me to continue. Matt’s expertise in nutrition and programming is evident, and he uses this skill to tailor his programs to each individual case. For example, I have a passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and he was wonderful in working around my training times and even using them to our advantage. Matt’s attentiveness always makes me forget that I’m not his only client, as he is always prompt in his reply and perceptive to my questions. Getting the self-control needed to dial in my nutrition had always been difficult for me, but Matt made sure that I never felt hungry. Within a span of three months I became leaner than I ever have been without losing strength. As a complete beginner to weightlifting, I was so happy to have Matt’s patience to guide me through the fundamentals of programming and technique. He believes in my ability and always expects one step more from me, which has let me smash goals one after another. Going from not being able to do a one pull-up to accomplishing 6 in a row strict as well as deadlifting twice my body weight has been incredible for my confidence inside the gym and outside as well. I would definitely recommend Matt to my friends, family and anyone looking to improve their physical and mental health!

Jamee Fink
Wedding Prep- Ultrasound Technician
Matt is an awesome coach!!! I thought I was doing all the right things, but somehow was still struggling to get the results I wanted. I contacted Matt 3 months before my wedding with big goals in mind. I easily bypassed my weight goal by my wedding day! I couldn't believe I was leaner then I had ever been. The hardest part about counting Macros was wrapping my mind around how I could eat so much and pretty much whatever I wanted (within reason) and still wake up leaner then the day before. I was extremely intimidated to walk into the free weight section at my gym as a female with absolutely no lifting experience. His plan was realistic and easy to follow (and also everything I'd never done before lol). He gave me advice and tips that allowed me to do things I never thought I'd do. I just thought that lifting was something I couldn't, and would never be able to do. I wasn't athletic. I wasn't born lean. I still can't believe that I continue to lift heavier every single week. I'm addicted to something I never thought I could do. I also know that by my body performing at its absolute best possible was the reason I was able to get pregnant so fast. I had tons of health issues before working with Matt. Constant back pain, endometriosis, among with other female health issues...all of which my doctor had discussed with me and told me that getting pregnant could be difficult for me. Only 3 short months of trying to get pregnant and we were successful, as well as my back pain dramatically decreasing. I'm extremely grateful that I've been able to continue using the knowledge I've learned from Matt, even throughout my pregnancy. Within a couple of months, I am doing multiple sets of 10 reps at my old max weight (while pregnant!!!)!!! That's beyond crazy to me. I can't thank him enough for providing guidance, support and tons of knowledge. I highly recommend Unrivaled Physiques to anyone looking to get passed a plateau, learning how to eat correctly, or sick and tired of your typical "clean eating diet".

Amanda Rutledge
Dental Hygienist - Future Bikini Competitor
Unrivaled Physiques has changed my life! From the way I think about food and the choices I make for my health, but also my body looks amazing!
I am a single mom of 2 kids. I work 5 days a week as a Dental Hygienist. I have always wanted to compete in a professional bodybuilding competition, however, one life event after another kept me from accomplishing my goal. Finally I took a stand and decided nothing was going to hold me back! I started researching different companies and their services. I came across Unrivalled Physiques, and I was really impressed with the credentials of Matt! Not only is he a coach but dietitian too, which I thought was great because he knows the actual science behind the foods that will help transform my body. He is also a bodybuilder, and has been a Judge for the competitions. So he knows exactly what the judges are looking for as far as physique when I compete. That was very important to me specifically when making my decision to hire a coach. In one of my first conversations with Matt, he had said that all of his clients that have competed in professional bodybuilding competitions have placed. That alone was very impressive! It helped me to realize that my money was not going to be wasted. I knew all I had to do was put in the time and effort. The process to sign up was very easy. All I had to do was decide what my goals were and what my budget was, and Matt explained the process and told me how long my transformation would take. For me, within 3 months of starting the program I started to see big changes.
My clothes were getting big, I started to see definition in my muscles, and I felt confident in myself. I really like how Matt tailors to the specific needs of every individual. Everyone has different goals and everyone’s body structure is different. Matt structures a program that is meant specifically for you. I like how I am given macros to follow instead of counting calories, and I can eat the foods I love!. This whole experience has really taught me discipline, and how food choices do have a large impact on body physique. The guidance, structure, and mentoring I have received so far from Unrivaled Physiques has really given me all the tools I need to make educated decisions for my health and well being. I trust Matt 100% and will continue to utilize his services throughout my fitness journey and beyond.

Allison Mandell
Registered Dietitian, 57KG powerlifter
Rutgers Powerlifting Team President
Working with Unrivaled Physiques was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I have not only transformed my physique but my mind as well. I had contacted him almost 2 years ago (2014) after going through multiple bad experiences with "bro coaches". After competing multiple times with a bro method I knew that If I wanted long term happiness and actual balance I needed to have a better relationship with food. He completely changed my opinion of flexible dieting and I was able to finally live again.
I had never had a healthy relationship with food and I can honestly say because of Matt I no longer fear food. I was able to eat what I wanted and still reach my physique goals. I went through a reverse diet and a cutting phase and drastically increased my strength while doing so.
I used to only think that the only way to get lean was by excess cardio and starvation, but because of Matt that was no longer necessary. He helped me achieve an unrivaled physique with heavy compound movements and food. Matt truly cares about his clients, I not only had a very knowledgeable coach but a good friend as well. I will never be able to thank him enough for all he did for me. He helped me overcome my bad relationship with food and took my physique to the next level. I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud, something I never thought I would ever be able to do again.

Nhien W.
NPC Nationally Qualified - 1st place Open, 1st place Novice Class B, Overall Novice Winner
Scientist/ Microbiologist at CDC
After years of lifting and following “trendy” diets that left me feeling guilty over “bad” foods and not seeing the results I was more than working hard for, I reached out to a bikini fitness Facebook group for online coach referrals – and eventually that’s how I found Matt/Unrivaled Physiques and was impressed by his clients’ results and testimonies. I applied and now a year later it’s crazy that I am writing my own testimony! Beyond the amazing body and glutes we were able to build, the multiple FIRST place awards we earned at my first bikini competition, and his incredible patience in keeping me sane during my prep – the biggest gift/accomplishment I am most grateful for was Matt’s nutritional guidance that fixed my relationship with food. There were no longer “good” or “bad” foods but the simple realization that all I needed was to enjoy life in moderation, which was easier said than done until I learned about IIFYM/macro counting. Forget all that bro-science training and diets (too much cardio, too low calories, and popping pills galore), I am proof that you can get in the best shape ever in a much healthier, safe and natural way. I will never be able to thank Matt enough for all I have gained (physically and mentally) with his guidance and his trust in my progress. He is the sensei of macros and fitness plans, customizing them completely to my goals, and I am amazed by my full body transformation after only ONE YEAR! I can’t imagine what another year will bring us as we work towards conquering that national stage. Let’s get it, Coach! :)

Diana H.
Lifestyle Client
“Never change a winning game; always change a losing one” - Bill Tilden
When I met Matt I was in a losing game. I was training about 4 times a week, on a boring meal plan, a massive amount of supplements, lift days were extremely long and boring and I often skipped cardio because I hated it.
Matt changed the game!
1- Food: Macros/flex dieting are a complete game changer for me. No more guilt about food and no more confusion about how much to eat. It’s all very clear and concise.
2- Programming: Little did I know, I had no idea how to lift correctly. Matt coached me through video after video of my lifts until I got it right! Most days I can complete my workout in about an hour! No more being stuck in the gym for hours on end. Cardio is short, sweet and to the point which made it much easier for me to complete. I now look forward now to my 20 min MISS run the most!
3-Eduction/Experience: During the last year Matt has changed my macros and programming many times. Each step of the way we discussed why and the science behind his decisions. No more smoke and mirrors but actual SCIENCE!!
There has never been a time where I felt confused about what we were doing and where we were in the process. We set clear goals and each week we move closer to that goal. Unrivaled Physiques is personalized coaching like no other!

Heather Lloyd
Pro Figure Competitor
I met Matt at my first figure show where he was one of my judges. After speaking with him I noticed his experience and knowledge in the sport from both a competitor's and a judge's view. I believe this is very beneficial for a client in order to make improvements in each show. He is someone I can trust with my health and he insures that trust with his caring nature.
Some key points about Matt are that he pays attention to detail, cares about your health, is very good at communication. He is not only a coach but a wonderful mentor and friend. He makes adjustments weekly and works around any issues that may arise to make your results the most optimal. I would also like to add that is amazing at critiquing posing and makes it a work of art! These are important things that I look for in a coach. I would more than recommend Matt as a diet coach because he cares about your OVERALL presentation and will put time and effort into perfecting details like posing, tanning, cardio and diet. Hiring him was one of the best decisions I have made as a competitor. It is a life lesson I can take with me for future competitions to better myself each time.

Nicole Hermanson.
IFBB Pro - NPC 6x Overall Winner
AlphaPrime USA
I’ve been working with Matt since October 2017. I have to admit it was the best decision I could’ve made. My favorite part is Matt never hesitates to help me with any question I ANY POINT during the day. Thanks to his macro teachings, I am able to enjoy a night out with my boyfriend without feeling guilty or upset. ZERO “Bro Science”. Great communication and he makes you feel super comfortable. The knowledge and understanding he’s given me I plan to carry for the rest of my life. With as much as I eat, I never thought I’d look or feel this good. Happy I trusted him and said goodbye to the tilapia and asparagus life! Thanks Matt 🙏

Amber Simon
NPC Bikini Transformation
I came to Matt in quite a banged up injured state - I had recently undergone back surgery removing my L4,L5 and S1 from a car accident in which I was hit by a texter and shortly afterwards was hit again by a red light runner. That 2nd accident left me with a herniated C4, C5, part of my lordotic spine missing and vertigo!
Even through all these injuries, Matt helped me with a wonderful training program that was tailored just for me! I won't say that every day has been perfect or pain free but with Matt's guidance and encouragement when I was extremely hard on myself got me over quite a bit of hurdles and plateaus.
From the first day of meeting with him till I stepped on the stage of my first ever NPC show, Matt has been wonderful! From check ins to our "coming to Jesus " talks he has always been there with encouraging words when I didn't have any for myself. I can honestly say that over the years of working with Matt , not only my relationship with food and nutrition has gotten better but my love for this sport has grown leaps and bounds as well!
If you are considering competing or just changing your fitness goals overall ,I would highly recommend Matt to get you to where you want to be no matter the level of fitness. If you are dealing with an injury please don't let that stop you from going after a dream. If you have the drive and willing to put in the work necessary, Matt will definitely get you to where you want to be! In my second season of competing, I look forward to seeing the wonderful changes that are in store for me!
Matt is the "Bestest Coach ever" and I know by working with him you will feel the same way 😁
Best Regards,
Amber S.

Stephanie T.
NPC Bikini Japan - Overall Winner
I came to Matt after a horrible competition rebound, where we started off slowly increasing calories to a point where I never in my life thought I would be able to eat so much carbs, while still losing weight! On top of that, I was able to finally gain a healthy relationship with food again, gaining a better understanding of moderation and balance, with no food restrictions. Then in order to prepare for the competition, we did a slow and healthy cut, where I was able to get into a surprisingly amazing physique – far surpassing what I brought to the stage the year prior. With no food restrictions while competing, Matt helped me take home first place AND overall at Tokyo’s USBB Bikini Competition (NPC Japan) while still eating what I loved. Alongside, he was very communicative and even stayed up for my show despite the time constraints on being on two sides of the world! Matt is not only an amazing and very knowledgeable coach, he is also a wonderful person! I would totally recommend him to anyone! Arigato!

Criselle Lamarca
Travel R.N. - NPC Bikini Nationally Qualified
Coach Scientist Rizzo, you are one heck of an incredible coach! I’m honored to have been your client for 1.5 years + & counting!
I was referred to Unrivaled Physiques by a close friend of mine who owns a local boot camp in Orlando. She spoke highly of him and how experienced he was on macros & nutrition. I immediately took her advice and contacted Matt. During this time, I already had a high interest to do my first contest prep. Matt was quick to respond and we took the ground running from there.
Through this whole journey, Matt made sure that I keep an open mind and be realistic with the goal of getting on stage. He always used a scientific-based approach & never once put my health/metabolism at risk. Every phase served a purpose & Matt made sure I understood every step of the process. Nonetheless, I dealt with my own personal struggles. I traveled a lot for work a majority of the time & struggled with rest, sleep, recovery. Matt stressed (still does) the importance of this and now that I know how important this is, my goal is to dedicate & prioritize this just as much as I place importance in hitting my macros & follow my condition program.
The last 3-4 months of prep was tough & I mean TOUGH. However, Matt didn’t give up on me even when I was close to. He kept reminding me what I was capable of and he wouldn’t allow me to back down. Fast forward to show day & with some hard earned determination, I was able to place 1st in my Division class & nationally qualified! This was my first show & to reach this goal was nothing short of incredible. Matt cheered me on & was there every step of the way.
The knowledge I have gained from being Matt’s client is something I will always carry with me. It has heightened my perspective of how I see and view food daily. The knowledge I have gained will only continue to benefit me on a lifestyle basis.
My future plans are to continue to always showcase a better package on the stage. I know this will always be attainable with Matt as one of my coach’s. My hope is in the next 2 years I will be able to hit a national stage and just continue to grow & get better.
Matt, thank you again for everything. I can’t wait to reveal what else you have in store for me!

Kristen V.
11 week transformation, down from 210 to 187.
Last year I had gotten to a point in my life that I knew I needed to change. I needed help. I reached out to Unrivaled Physiques. I explained I was just a normal 35 year old woman who was overweight and just wanted to know how to get into shape. Matt responded immediately. He made me feel comfortable from the first time we talked. He listened to my issues and came up with a plan that could work for me. Most of all he held me accountable which is the biggest part of my success. I followed his plan the best I could and I had results like I have never had before. Each week I saw my body changing and I felt better than ever before. I felt like Matt believed in me which helped me believe in myself. I ended up losing 40lbs and multiple inches. It has been several months since I stopped using Matt’s plan. Since then I have been able to maintain my weight loss the entire time. I still have a long way to go but I am extremely pleased with my results so far. Thank you !!!!

Katie Goedde
Fitness Instructor
As I was about to turn 40, I was sick and tired of my love-hate relationship with food. My entire life I was taught that in order to be a certain size, I'd have to restrict my diet to practically starvation and spend hours upon hours doing cardio. The working out part was always an easy thing for me. I've been a fitness instructor for 20+ years, so that was great, but the good part just put me over the edge. I ran across Matt's website when I was my wits end one day. I finally decided there had to be a different way of dealing with my food demons. Matt introduced me to flexible dieting and blew my mind. I felt like this whole new world had been discovered. I started noticing changes in my body very quickly, and as hard as it was for me to trust the process, seeing the results made me a believer.

Unrivaled Physique Success

Unrivaled Client

Unrivaled Physique Success
Amy Rebecca
WBFF Bikini Pro - Playboy and Maxim Model - Entrepreneur
Unrivaled Physiques has been by far the best thing that I ever decided to do. After being manipulated and starved to the bone to prepare for a competition, it triggered depression and resulted into an unstable mentality and approach to food. I was afraid to eat and lost in the sense that I needed help. Food was very traumatic for me. After gaining 40 lbs of post show in a year, I contacted Unrivaled Physiques. Matt answered all my questions and concerns promptly and actually cared about my well being. I remember telling Matt that I wanted to be able to model again and eat again. He took me under his wing and taught me the beauty and science of IIFYM and also taught me moderation and balance with the workouts. He became a friend as well. I am honestly the happiest I have ever been! I overcame the social anxiety of dining out and I also lost a lot of weight and fat and MAINTAINED IT while eating chipotle and icecream. Success is a mindset, and with the proper tools, you can also prosper as well. Check him out! He will make you a better person :)

Zimu Yang
Data Analyst - Lifestyle Client
I came to Matt after a frustrating up and down journey with weight loss and exercise spanning over half a decade. After graduating college, my weight had ballooned up to 225 pounds and an embarrassing 25%+ body fat. My initial strategy to lose weight was exercise, but I made the common mistake of over eating since I thought I could exercise the calories off.
After 5 years my weight loss hit a plateau at 200. I began pure dieting where I met partial success by reaching 185 and 15% body fat after 12 months. However, I was miserable. I was nursing constant injuries through over training and improper form. My caloric intake was often too low so I would go through repeated cycles of starvation and fatigue followed by falling off the kale wagon directly into a meat lovers' deep dish pizza. I knew this was unsustainable.
That's when I discovered Matt. He had already successfully worked with one of my gym mates and I was hoping his coaching would work with me. Matt's guidance in nutrition and programming was astounding. Within 6 months I went from 185 down to a low of 164 and 8% body fat. My lifts went up massively across the board despite my weight loss: deadlift (405 to 435), squat (305 to 335), overhead press (155 to 185), bench press (205 to 245), and strict pull ups (6 in a row to 13). Focusing on macros and nourishment meant I could eat to satiation without starvation and still lose body fat. His lifting programming addressed accessory movements, improving form and reducing injuries through correct activation of appropriate muscle groups.
Matt provided excellent coaching into sports and nutrition science, demystifying the process into getting swole. Before, I ruefully thought it was only special people with perfect genes who could do it naturally. Now I realize it is a sustainable step by step process anyone can understand and undertake. No fads, no diets, no gimmicks - just an awesome 6-pack.

Nicole B.
Teacher / NPC - NGA Figure Competitor
I decided to work with Matt from Unrivaled Physiques which was a great decision and investment that I decided to make. The experience I had working with Matt and the knowledge I gained is priceless. I was able to develop a new outlook on diet, training and supplementation.
I first came across Unrivaled Physiques after seeing some of Matt’s clients on Instagram. I was amazed with the level of conditioning that they were able to bring to the stage along with the happiness and enjoyment that they expressed throughout their entire contest prep. After seeing how great his clients looked and how happy they were with him, I made the decision to contact Matt. When I came to Matt I was eating about 1200 calories a day and doing hours of cardio a week in addition to my regular training. Matt started having me reverse diet, and after five months my metabolism was incredible I had more than doubled my daily caloric intake and I was able to lose weight while increasing my carbs and fats and decreasing the amount of weekly cardio I was doing. After seeing this amazing change in my metabolism, I decided that I wanted to begin prepping for a show. Matt helped me to achieve a level of conditioning that I never would have imagined while still keeping cardio to a minimal.
During my contest prep Matt took all the guess work away, with constantly making any adjustments to my program and always being available when I needed him. Matt provided me with a detailed plan of what I needed to do in terms of training
and gave me my daily macros. Matt does not give any cookie cutter-plans; he gave me macros according to my goals and I was able to fulfill my daily macros with what I wanted and foods that I enjoyed. I would check-in with Matt on a weekly basis, and sometimes even a bi-weekly basis as we got closer to show day and Matt would make the adjustments according to how my body was responding. If you want to obtain your fitness goals, whether it is to reverse diet or to compete and you have the dedication and desire then Matt will help you to achieve all of your goals. I was able to exceed all of my goals that I set for myself through the help and guidance of Matt. Some of my goals were to look my best by bringing the best level of conditioning to the stage, which I easily exceeded. I had never imagined the level of leanness that as a female natural figure competitor I could reach, but through Matt’s guidance and use of science based evidence, I was able to go into show day with the best level of conditioning that I could have imagined while still looking healthy! I continued to do three more shows that season with Matt and my conditioning only continued to get better as each show came.

Tom Chon
IT Consultant - Lifestyle Client
I lost 19lbs under Matt’s guidance and macro ratios. I started off at 185.6 lbs and currently at 166.6 lbs. I was in a period in my life where I had a few months before my son was going to be born. I heard horror stories of new dads gaining weight and getting major ‘dad bod’ after having kids. My kid wasn’t born yet and I already had ‘dad bod’ and didn’t want to continue that trend. In the past I had success in losing weight with Paleo and Zone diet but was having trouble losing weight now. I was tired of being overweight so with the recommendation from Nhien W. and reading Unrivaled Physiques’ client’s testimonials, I went with “da Professor” Matt.
I appreciated Matt’s knowledge in the macro diet because I wasn’t starving or restricting myself from certain foods. I actually ate more and I was able to enjoy myself eating around social events (bachelor party, family gatherings, baby storm, birthdays etc). I liked how Matt worked with me and I was able to keep up with my crossfit training and I credit my time with Matt in improving my fitness in Crossfit with DUP Training. Not only did I become ‘lighter’ but stronger, faster, and improved my gymnastics. Now I can keep up with the ‘big dogs’ at my box (crossfit gym). I also appreciate Matt because he is witty, a bro, and gets the geek/pop cultural references. Matt is the real deal and ‘talks the talk and walks the walk’. He won a pro show in 2014 and has experience as a judge in physique competitions. If I were to ever to compete in a physique competition, Matt would be my coach for sure and even after having my kid I was able to keep the weight off and lose some more.

Anna Mitchell
Online Fitness Coach / Personal Trainer
Before working with Unrivaled Physiques I felt lost on my fitness
journey. I had spent years trying every fad diet and I could not seem
to lose any weight. I even tried following macros on my own but did
not have the knowledge or accountability to stay consistent.
I’ve worked with a few online coaches over the last few years and I
can honestly say that I’ve never felt as supported as I have since
working with Matt. Not only was I educated on how to create a balanced
and sustainable lifestyle but I built a tremendous friendship with
Matt as well. His knowledge, positivity, constant support and
communication allowed me to push my body to a place I never thought I could get to. I received a bespoke a program and gained an experience
and transformation that would impact me for a lifetime.
Matt has always been supportive and has answered every question with
in-depth science-backed knowledge. He has a no-nonsense approach while simultaneously making me feel comfortable and uplifted, I feel I can ask or tell him anything. It's the best feeling having a coach who
gives you so much confidence within yourself.
Signing up for online coaching with Matt was one of the best decisions
I have ever made. My knowledge and relationship with food have come so far and I could not be happier with what I have achieved with both my body composition and strength progression.

Molly F.
Student - Personal Trainer - Bikini Competitor
Working with Matt was my first time to ever work with a coach for a competition and I don’t think I could have asked for a better experience. When I started with him, I was very unhappy with my physique (from a competitor stand point), following a horrible “bro” diet. One of the things that actually attracted me to Matt initially was his approach at a flexible diet. However, when it came to macros tracking, I was a lost puppy and am so glad Matt had patience with me, helping me learn to efficiently track. My training program was tailored to my strengths and helped me improve my weaknesses - I even gained quite a bit of strength! I wasn’t only able to recomp, but also gained a new found self-confidence. Getting in contact with him was always a breeze - he responded to my questions very timely, backing his reasonings with scientific research. I cannot thank Matt enough for helping me along the way and I look forward to many more years/competitions with him :)

Cristina Arroyo
Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) - Nationally Qualified NPC Bikini Competitor
When I first started working with Matt I knew immediately with how honest and straight forward he was with me about the process that I was in the right hands. He gave me every tool that I needed to be able to dive right into my transformation. I had wanted to compete for years but never really had the proper guidance that I needed. I started "working out" in 2014 and met a girl who said she would coach me to do my first bikini show. The only guidance she gave me was " make sure you order heels and do 40 mins of stair master every day". She never checked on me, assessed my health, assessed my fitness level, nothing, nada. This person did give me macros but who knows how she came up with them. Naturally, I did not buy the shoes or do the stair master. I did work out by doing different boot camps and did try to follow the macros, but I was hungry and miserable and had no muscle. With Matt, not only did he thoroughly assess my fitness level but he had a genuine interest in me as a whole individual.
When I was diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Cancer in May 2018, my fear was that he would no longer want to work with me due to my health. It was the opposite, he constantly checked on me, provided me with feedback weekly, and BELIEVED in me. My health was a PRIORITY and we did not rush this process. That was the single most important thing to me was my overall health. Yes it has been a relatively long prep but I am HEALTHY, my oncologist was completely onboard, and again to reiterate my health has not been affected at all. This shows that Matt is QUALITY and truly cares. This is just the beginning of my journey with him, he is basically family now that he is also working with my boyfriend, friends, and even a family member. Cannot wait to see where this journey with Unrivaled Physiques takes me.

Luisa C.
Master CPT / Online Coach- Figure Competitor
I started working with Matt in May of 2017 and have not looked back since. I have learned so much in the process about my body and how it has been working in conjuction with eating consistently (tracking your foods vs. mindless eating or inconsistent nutrition intake) and lifting patiently. :) I feel that my moods and hormones have also improved and leveled off a bit.
I have finally lost my fear of squatting and getting under the bar and actually look forward to leg days now. My body has completely transformed to a place I knew it could be but I needed the added coaching (being a personal trainer myself) to keep me in line and accountable. Although I had used coaches in the past for competitions etc, I feel that this time around its more about building the right foundation for my athletic career ahead. When working with Matt you embark a lifestyle and its lasting. He pushes you towards your optimal self without feeling deprived. I would highly recommend working with him.
Eric Wilson
RN / USAPL Powerlifter
1388.8 total.
Squat - 490
Deadlift - 545.6
Bench - 352.7
Unrivaled Physiques delivers high quality programming and outstanding client communication and feedback throughout the entire process. Matt operates at a top level of professionalism and is there with you every step of the way ensuring those undergoing the rigors of the training regimen are executing efficiently to meet their goals. One of the attributes I appreciate most about Matt is his constant dedication to being up to par with evidence-based best practices in all aspects of human performance (as well as nutrition). He researches what will be the most effective means to reaching your objective and explains the science behind the why and how of getting there. I found Unrivaled Physiques to be quite effective in assisting me to solidify a silver medal in my powerlifting weight class and have absolute confidence their personalized training program will help many others achieve success as well. I recommend Unrivaled Physiques' training to anyone looking to improve their performance in their sport.

Kiera Johnson
Top placing NPC Bikini
I met Matt in September of 2013, I had been eating tilapia and asparagus every day and couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing weight but had set my goal to compete in the NPC. I had no idea what macronutrients were or anything about lifting. Matt gave me numbers and a weightlifting training schedule and he was there to answer all of my vast amount of questions and it was perfect with being a mom of 2 plus going to school. I decided I wanted to compete and he told me after a solid year of training consistently I could compete and that's what we did. We built the muscle needed to compete while calories kept increasing. My prep calories never went below 1500 and I was never starving. There was no water depletion and no excessive cardio. I placed 2nd in 2/3 NPC shows I competed in and couldn't be happier!

Kyle Gach
NPC Classic Physique Nationally Qualified
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